The Washington Ballet 2021 Gala

Friday, June 4, 2021

Join us for The Washington Ballet's 2021 Gala! 

The Washington Ballet will host private dinners at local VIP locations followed by an exciting socially-distant gathering with thrilling live performances. The evening supports arts and education programs and productions of The Washington Ballet.

Honorary Gala Co-Chairs

His Excellency, The Ambassador of Australia

Arthur Sinodinos AO and Mrs. Elizabeth Sinodinos

Honorary Congressional Co-Chairs

Senator Roy Blunt and Mrs. Abigail Blunt

Senator Mark Warner and Ms. Lisa Collis

Gala Co-Chairs

Dr. Luanne Adams and Mr. Murrell Smith & Lisa Barry and James Gale

Gala Committee

Mrs. Jean-Marie Fernandez, Co-Chair

Mrs. Sara Lange, Co-Chair